The Truth in OH-2 CD

The voice of TRUTH for politics in the Second Congressional District of Ohio.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Jean Schmidt Plagiarism Case Gaining Traction Across the Internet

Jean Schmidt Plagiarism Case Gaining Traction Across the Internet

Lathem, Ohio

Ohio Second Congressional District independent write-in candidate Nate Noy today continued on the path of his anti-corruption campaign trail by noting that the blogosphere is a buzz with the Jean Schmidt plagiarism story. Nate stated: “The blogs are having a proverbial field day with this, as they should be. Anytime someone as corrupt as Jean Schmidt gets caught in another lie the blogs owe a duty to the public to ridicule that person right out of public office.” Noy added: “I actually feel sorry for Jean Schmidt. Clearly she’s been someone’s puppet for some time now, it’s only now we are seeing the true reach of her puppet masters.”

Noy also explored how the DCCC seems to be taking credit for breaking this story: “I broke this story on 9/21 with a press release. The Cincy Whistleblower was the only one to run with it that day. The next day the DCCC picked it up. The liberal blogs seem to think the DCCC uncovered this, not true. My guess is they have a few people that do the same type of thing Jean got caught doing and there is a long-standing “gentlemen’s agreement” between the RNCC and DCCC not to rat each other out. It took a third party like me with a mission of exposing corruption to bring this to the surface.”

Noy further added: “It actually is ok with me if the DCCC wants to claim my story without citing the source (plagiarism perhaps?) As long as the truth about Jean Schmidt gets out there then it doesn’t really matter how it gets there. Jean Schmidt has voted to ban guns, raise taxes, and is tied to corruption, she is NOT a conservative and I can’t believe she even has the gumption to call herself Republican. But I’m confident that the voters are educated now and her days of fooling the public are nearing their end.”

For more information regarding Noy’s findings please contact the Nate Noy for Congress Committee campaign headquarters at 513-259-7782 or



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