The Truth in OH-2 CD

The voice of TRUTH for politics in the Second Congressional District of Ohio.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

How should one respond to hatemongers of Christians?

Recently I was attacked in a forum by the ever-so-popular Anonymous poster:

Post: "Oh boy, just what we all need. Another bible thumperthinking god has spoken to, only, them and now theyare the chosen one to save the 2nd district !!

We are not afraid of your god, we are afraid of what you might do in your gods name !!

God Bless, separation of church and state !! Those old time drafters knew we would end up in a bigpile of schmidt if the government legislated morality!! In germany it was not moral to have brown eyes !! I think the wRong wing wackos are confused and tryingto cleanse the world of all brown eye !!”

I tried to respond with the below; however, the administrator of the board has not allowed my response:

Dear Anonymous Friend,

It may behoove you to actually take a look at the platform of an individual prior to labeling them “bible thumper.” The following two bits of info are posted on my website:

I believe the Bible teaches us NOT to pass judgment onto others. There are a lot of different churches out there that I believe often miss this critical point. I feel joy in my heart because of my personal relationship with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit; I want others to feel this same joy; but I cannot dictate my beliefs onto them; that is between them and GOD Almighty.

FAQ 7 – Switching to your thoughts on the duty of government; where did you learn this concept?

Nate Noy: Our Founding Fathers relied heavily on the writings of John Locke and the 2nd Treatise of Civil Government when they drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I have spent a great deal of time studying Locke and I believe he was convicted with the Holy Spirit and provided a number of sound theories under which civil governments should operate.

Locke talked a lot about life, liberty and property. When Jefferson wrote the Declaration it is said that he initially wanted to quote Locke verbatim, but the concept of what Locke truly meant by “property” was not clearly understood by all. Property to Locke was not land per se, rather it is one’s self, and our property is everything about us not just the material possessions which we own.

I have no desire to pass my morals onto those that want no part of them. However, I will say a prayer for you.

I am curious how other Christians would address this type of attack if it happened to them?

Also I wanted to include the full text from my FAQ that I partially referenced above:

FAQ 3 – Can you expand a little further on each of the above “principles” starting with your take on GOD?

Nate Noy: I believe everyone should make a genuine effort to make GOD is the most important in their life. That really is life’s greatest challenge in my opinion. The good news is that GOD left us an instruction book on how to lead our lives, i.e., the Holy Bible.

The Bible teaches everything we truly need to know. I also believe that GOD sent his only begotten son JESUS CHRIST to earth to be a sacrifice for our sins and to provide us with a true message as how we should approach each other. I know that when JESUS ascended to heaven GOD sent us the Holy Spirit; this Spirit dwells within all true Christians. The Holy Spirit provides true believers with an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort, just as JESUS told us it would. The Holy Spirit also convicts us to seek truth and avoid evil and sins of the flesh.

I have accepted JESUS as my LORD and personal Savior. I wish everyone could feel the same sense of peace and true fulfillment that comes with this acceptance.

I also believe the Bible teaches us NOT to pass judgment onto others. There are a lot of different churches out there that I believe often miss this critical point. I feel joy in my heart because of my personal relationship with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit; I want others to feel this same joy; but I cannot dictate my beliefs onto them; that is between them and GOD Almighty.

Interested in hearing other people’s thoughts on this topic.

As always: Peace and God Bless,

Nate Noy


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